Thursday, November 26, 2009

Indian Men With Big Brest

Literature olé olé There

this text, written in August 2008, I found the site sitaudis devoted to literature and specifically contemporary poetry's most daring and difficult: Federman (QEPD) Quintane, Bobillot, Beck, Blaine, Pennequin, Desbiolles, Frontier, Menard, Gache, Verheggen, ... that's sharp.
and subjective well.
bias, in fact, is not an empty word for composite The PILLOU who plays ménageur rigorous, uncompromising, sharp tongue and a dash (full-bodied, it is a fact , suspicion) of apriorism and mala leche in addition. good. by these time taps warm, so it is not common brightening.
he published, that man, a rant after a chestnut in liberal, end of August, the bullfight with pure icing sugar cream pie, an editorial lolo Joffrin nicknamed the bearded most nerd heads of info, ie stoker PPA Party (Press and Silver) trying to have its cake and bobo green cabbage in a newspaper that s'alibise (fuck?) with a sure ... Jacques Durand (excellent pen incidentally).
therefore read, rather.

"On Saturday, August 18, Laurent Joffrin wrote the one that directs the daily:

it is clear that the zeitgeist is not blowing in that direction ...

He said that spirit is increasingly concerned about animal rights and the boss for Liberation of castigating the art of bullfighting to stroke in the direction of the hair very stupid, said spirit.
There was a time when aging Balzac, courtesans became the best of bigots, today, they militate against bullfighting.
And tamer boast to consider their animals "as partners they must demonstrate "(sic, read in the program of a French circus, in July 2007). The era of the kiss to the tigers would have us believe that it is more civilized than their predecessors, while Silver the leads (in the wall not cliche), it violently manhandled every day more and abroad in countries where trafficking is most worthily cattle, like Texas, it nonetheless continues to run each year many young children, especially blacks. The animal itself is not better known to her, projective surface identifications most childhood, always victim empeluché (read about this excellent book Francis Wolff, Philosophy of bullfighting, ed. Fayard, 2007).
The same weekend, the editorial of the World 2 attacked ...

"the literary world when, between Flora and Magot, is tied to obtain a Goncourt or entry under the dome of the Quai Conti. Although published in the prestigious series" Blanche " Gallimard, he never traded his leather jacket fan of Bob Dylan three-piece suit against a novelist installed. "

Who's caricatures as opposed to the more starched of St Germain? Who is
praised, acclaimed as alive. Incredibly alive. ?
Who is the clear popular writer?
Philippe Djian!
He concluded:

"It is refreshing to hear of literature with such simplicity. "

All this editorial, introduced a "great care" with the author full of nice platitudes which we learn for example that the singer Renaud, came knocking at the door Djian to apologize for having been included among the readings sores because ... his name rhymes with that of Cioran ... it is even more shocked to learn that it took TWO YEARS to Yann Plougastel to collect these comments if ... costs.
The previous weekend, three municipal police officers in the late afternoon at Juan-les-Pins, forced a young North African to remove a T-shirt that included the initial NTM, despite protests bystanders, seriously rebuffed, he left shirtless and humiliated.
You do not see the report?
We do not want to see the reports ...
Those who do not sell books are perverse decadent, the pedophile is Public Enemy No. 1 and things are becoming easier.
Sarko rhetoric, full of fresh common sense, creates havoc into our ranks: not only the bull is threatened by these loving souls positive dainty and choking hug the negative is also Literature, art, thought itself. "

a todo lo alto puyazo in" er pilu.
yes, sometimes the ciego he loves people.

ps: on the ticheurte Renaud there is no written "Derrida no thank you. ahahahaha.

Friday, November 6, 2009

How To Get Off Risperdal Shot

The little sister of Miss Undead monsters

is a happy event we are witnessing, the little sister of the newly born monsters. A shot of "Express Zombificator" gangrene wins, the heart stops, the body temperature stabilized at 10 degrees, and oh joy, a zombie baby sister was born. The child bat has grown, it is now a doctor and heal the living of life to their filth of the con, and administers the Zombificator alternately Bras. Frankenstein's monster is in heaven, Mr. Lard and fingers marshmallow ditto, by cons Bedelia is mad with jealousy, she was the only girl in the family.

And then, well, here's the sketch for that matter:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sun America Variable Annuity

color 2

I wanted to work a bit more color, and because a friend told me he imagined seeing red black and white (and me too Moreover, initially) well I changed many things. Well, that's not all that but hop to next drawing now! (How, I have not done your drawing Roman? Damn it I'll have to put myself :-)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Why Do Amylase Stop Working In The Stomach?

step by Miss Undead step (WIP)

Here's a quick overview of my method of working on this drawing.
I write this explanation for it can give ideas to others, because I like to come across this kind of sharing with other designers.

Initially, there is a quick sketch (about 30 minutes, I was anxious because I started drawing to 12pm Halloween day, and I set myself to finish it before midnight for the post in the topic "girl and Halloween" (it's not the real title but it is clearer like this)

I scanned the sketch and then I printed in black on two A3 sheets taped for me as a reference to the ink on my table Drawing adapted light table.

Inking current on a thin sheet and very smooth, I do not know what it's like paper, I recovered, but I really like, the brush glides on easily.

The inking is done, you've seen and scanned in large format in a previous post.

this afternoon to begin my color, I started with something I like to do the wash to give the matter and volumes of gray. To this end, the ink is printed in blue.
The ideal is to make the timing marks on inking in photoshop and print them also on this basis to wash, to better calibrate the set. I forgot to do, so it will stall to the eye.

You'll notice that the drawing paper and gondola end is death. I do not care, because I know the trick ha ha! Simply moisten the back copious leaf, put it between two thin sheets ...

and presto, an hour in press!

the result speaks for itself :-)

Proof I have not lied and showed a blank sheet:

The wash scanned and assembled (yes, I have no scanner but it will come A3)

All wedged under the inking in totoshopy my friend. ..

can move to areas of main colors, it's a bit laborious, I use color very well see them flash, and so select areas to be colorized in a separate layer.

zones colors + transparency in the wash.

Here, some three hours of work later, it makes the design of the message before.
Hoping that the method inspires you even if you do not like the drawing.

Truck Pull Airstream International

Miss Undead color

Well, I did the coloring today.
A small step by step to come in the next message.

What Songs Of Jordin Sparks In Zac Et Cody

feut we pafs over Fabre De

in Right now I trace in the politico-bats Loved philosophico-Freudian societal qu'assène Marc Fabre in his book "Myths bullfighting" published in the new release of Languedoc.
then ciego?
then it is sharp. is well written. is innovative in how to operate in antitauromachie. it is erudite. is strong. it's not cricket laborde, what! good, he cites philippe val (you see, the valet dressed in taupe sarkozyen humanist Chief carlalalalère the dresser) and Michel Onfray (you know, that confuses the Epicurean pedophile and pederast but not Eyquem and picrate), like what nobody's Jacques looks perfect lemon.
therefore, will take time to overcome my instincts polymorphous perverse as soon as I cross my dirluche, my students, my banker, my neighbors, my wife, my cat, and all sense of shame (he says Marco, "go at the bar, as everyone "speaking intellectuals with whom he hunted reluctant to admit aficionado though we've nailed the pantheon of arenas) drunk and said I assumed, to analyze and cons strike back foot walk. or agree with him, since the saber without the sprinkler has packed his test many things with which I agree.
meanwhile, ciego do not greet it sooÔrt (to read and laugh a little, that's for rassurrer the author of the incriminating document because it says it is anything but joyants drills and we might as well take a good book - you can not read the mark, in Anyway if you read it wrong then it "would prefer not to" like Bartleby Said, or to go trekking in the Cevennes it is the corner he would like to emphasize is not putaingue of Parisian bobochébran, like it's an idea, shit, it's raining I will put down a porn movie ... um canal andalucia a bullfight).

then, hasta la revoyure.


nb: the title is read aloud with an accent colored helmet tipped pisque Mr. MF puts us, rather, on the side of Nazi instincts, as usual, there is sure he did nothing glowing in his argument (in fact it embraces totalitarianism in conclusion). it is always good this défulement Nor is outdone, in turn, manipulate the ban on bullfighting in the republican zone (and failing to mention the similarly enacted by fascists before ). Poor history.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Hexadog Vaccine For Dogs

Miss Black Sect Undead 2009

halloweeeeen Happy!

The fair Miss Undead 2009 which has just been elected in this Halloween night!
is pictured here live range by his friends, with whom she will make the best party of all its non-life.
It would seem that these zombies have ideas behind the head, the beautiful finish boulotée Is she?
I was whispered that the zombies do not eat other zombies ... Nonsense!
This luscious creature still has the freshness of life for her, she is not alive since that night, so it's a delicacy!

This drawing is as usual participation in the theme of "girls and Halloween" DrawingBoard forum, you can go see her with her friends until it is completely consumed, by clicking on the link below.
I intend to color this drawing tomorrow, and I would put some stages of completion.

In English here, we DrawingBoard!

Cervix High For 7 Days?

A little background to this game that I made the graphics from 1991 to 1993.

More info and all the screenshots of the game on my site:

Black Sect - Lankhor

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Biggest Boobs Heroine

Voodoo Kart

A little video game, anyone? I worked 10 years in this industry and finally, I did not put a lot of things about it on my site. This thing is repaired:
Voodoo Kart

I would put new (ie old) things about this soon.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Marcin Sarnek Gliwice

Man dripping (and other social phenomena)

It's almost Halloween, so it's an opportunity to draw things a little disgusting.
That's what happens when you eat the slim fast outdated ...

In English, for greater dramatic effect.

And if not, here's "Romance in Rio," I spent two months there in order to immerse myself in the landscape and architecture. We therefore recognize the famous mountain dwarf the size of a building, and construction style typical (do you mean, I've never been there and I baratine to appeal to girls? Poor Languages !)....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Taurus 2010 Astrology According To Linda Goodman

sketch improv sketch

Well it's not that I want to go into exile in the States, but I did this sketch for the appropriate section of drawingboard, so the text is in English to be understandable to all (if the text to anyone interested). This scene
stupid says:
- What the # @ b del, I'm becoming one of those stupid skeletons
- And then? Look at me, I feel like I am ... Listen my brother, you must free yourself from the dictatorship of fashion human ... be yourself!

is beautiful is not it? The young man (whom I suspect to be me) rightly said that one of these four I might be a writer ...

Exercise Spandex Camel

New work posted on my com site, a poster for my friend Bruno Guignol Gourier company's Showmen of Wonders:

is horn!

Request Letter For A Donation Of A Church Van

Some improvisation

Here, it is also a blog about it, dumping anything of the kind that come to mind. So
through work on the theme of relaxation of the inking released, I put myself in front of a sheet of smooth paper with a pencil, India ink, brush, and brush my Pentel Felt and I drew what goes through my head, letting slip the brush, without concern for construction or accuracy of the drawing, just draw as if we wrote notes. It gives the illusion of a drawing made in the end, but it's true.
So full of problems of perspective, readability, and all we want, but it was not the point.
I'm not saying that to prevent you from criticism, I take everything I'm given.

Français version is DrawingBoard

Thursday, July 16, 2009

What Happened Tofakku

employment of commissioners taurolandia

be in Barcelona ... he was writing.
the JT's day? Yes, certainly.
but beyond delirium, statements to the punch of salvador boix , the sudden craze for Catalanity politically correct if incorrectly, there is the daily.
an observer, and end with a certain decline, has returned to the city condal and what he writes ...

Commissioners looking for a job

I spent several days in Barcelona after a few months away. I find the city covered by a thin film of red mud. The last time it rained a few weeks ago, brought the African desert dust subtle set among the clouds. Nobody even those not cleaned whose cars are coated with mud and covered it with graffiti like "what pig." Ghostly appearance of a neglected city.

The heat is already summer and the trees shed their leaves. There is a carpet of dead leaves, as if it was a fall. The second echo Africa: the noise, chaos circulatory cohorts at the mall, the jumble of barely dressed tourists, immigrants selling cans of beer on the Ramblas, the trileros , petty thieves, the Romanian Gypsies responsible for children stunned amazement. there as a reminder of the sixties Naples, a city that, according Graham Greene, was the first city of the East.

Unfortunately, nothing exists in Barcelona which does not maintain, even cracked, the past August the Kingdom of Naples, its palaces, churches, museums, bourgeois society, one of the most literate of Italy, its people affable fellow and smarter than hunger. It is a city clerical and inglorious.

Friends are sorry for the Catalan nationalist government hacks. Since the days of Franco, they have fun commenting on the folly of ministers most crackpots. The latest blunder, that of responsible tourism, a Huguet, was to propose a law that prohibits tourist shops selling flamenco dolls or bullfighters because "that they are not a Catalan tradition." He also wants to prohibit the sale of Mexican hats, which have a predilection for the English and Americans. I hope it was a temporary project. This is not the case for prohibition of bullfights. Policies hide behind animal rights groups to remove what they see as "signs of English identity.

It is surprising that these critics do not realize what they show in every ban faces not only their oppressors, but the meager intelligence they received by inheritance.

Prohibition of part of Handke at the Odeon in Paris, a whim of the director of the Comédie-French, Marcel Bozonnet, may seem more serious, but it's as miserable as that of his imitator Catalan. Freedom of expression is not unidirectional and sympathy towards unwelcome Handke Milosevic is no worse than for Castro García Márquez. As stated

Kusturica, Jelinek, Modiano, and the signatories of the letter of protest against the censor, the playwrights will now ask permission to Bozonnet whenever they want to go a funeral. Imagine
Bozonnet, if steeped in pride officer in the Reich comedy film, obliterating permits petitions and deciding which deaths are correct and which ones are bad.

[Posted on 05/09/2006 by Felix de Azua on his blog ]

who do we want to believe that JT can save the fiesta in Catalonia when we see how degree of imbecility was arrived? Azua and performs a true parallel with the zeitgeist.
to right, especially, but also left , long time ago that said no more "good night" but the censors "welcome, how are you?". the business multiply and propaganda organs too. and we bullfighting aficionados alike, we offusquons approximations of a scribbler party press and provincial money.
well, but why our beloved observatory does not join the protests of professionals concerned by the recent appointment of the new program director of France-Inter?
for fear of being recovered or being accused of opportunism, misplaced, inappropriate mixing of genres?
it is say to practice what our opponents seek to stealthily deploy overnight?
it is better to howl with Sine, anti-bullfighting primary in nature but suspicion about collusion with the business of reducing the freedom of expression that now prance at the head of all powers, than trying to sing val with the melody arrangements with words of non-interference.
address lackey is neither very bright nor very brave. I expect a boom
nominem ad came from our ranks recently even qualified for a speedy defense, so the attack, our archers media.
or so issues are those that they would not make us believe ?

we are just poor thinkers of a more troubled Iberia in these foundations that only assaults by los toros.
our eye level is expected to move beyond the tambourine, this caspa, we are often rightly criticized. I, personally, the text of Azua I receive a call for help in the twilight of our festive delights and excessive sound the horn that announces tomorrow, here, there and everywhere that even sing "La Chica Yeye ".

ps: maybe that the observatory was sent to val. if fact, that act and I apologize in advance for the trial of childish malice. but, sorry, not much has been heard the horn ...

bis ps: thank you to the blog "malaka" for the link with the article by Felix de Azua.

b ps: for merced a mano a mano tomas / Morante emerges. well. but except for the finances of some (pa'riba) and others (pa'bajo), what are the (dis) interest of the thing if all is already a foregone conclusion ... ?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Repairing White Gloss Scratch

Laborde (éructoréador fuera de cacho)

go, guys, we open the pamphlet laborde christian.
umpteenth Antitaurina chore?
oh no, oh no, oooooo nooooon.
laborde is our culture, it is a emmancheur of haggling, a cutlass ace of the language. it pêlemêlise figures for the neologism with a lint-breath or brawn, we choose as we want, it's dirty pelemele néologise the logos that would both stay.
his prose copied / pasted (not fun at the taquigrafier laborde, you still have not pichneter admin in granny plantin National Front - I say this as a dangerous leftist CL gives the address of the founding of the hinny end of his stammering. that certainly donate gifts to the blind girl) there she is, for example:

"Bullfighting is the worst South that is, the guys and chicks prancing and yelling, reveling in the martyrdom of a splendid beast, calling his death, filthy mass braider traps, teeming with prejudice, saturated frustrations pack living only to see bigger the pack, working to strengthen it, seeing all loneliness provocation, a security breach of its fat.
Bullfighting is the worst that is South, a South crammed Reality TV is going to drain the sink, looking at the pic in the bloody flesh of an animal trapped, humiliated, South heads bacon ricardisées heads and cons of which are identified at first glance, those, glowing, notaries without culture, without cause lawyers, and veterinarians whose animals are wary.
Bullfighting is the worst that is South, South obsessed with its own roots, unaware of foliage and birds, the South has cobwebs under the arms, wearing a beret pulled down over his eyes , like so many waving red cards his proverbs, sayings, wisdom made his alleged resignation, to attention, and submission to the established order.
Défenestrons dézinguons the South and the bullfight! "

ah is not Francis Wolf, tampoco of marcel ruffo, or even Francis Marmande.
want, francis, for that matter, how will you turn your next ode to universal uzestois in knowing that we laborde psalmolit:

"I know another South is a breast, a source, a dream . This is my South mine, aristocratic and popular, primitive and wise, open, alive, vital.
My South to me is Joe Bousquet writing The tea Sarments in Carcassonne, Claude Nougaro singing "Locomotive gold "Theatre du Capitole, Bernard Lubat playing drums for nutria in Uzeste ..."

eh, eh?

and my dear olive tree, how will he still be able to seize the centripetal prose of the late singer of the hardpan of the transaction universalis during his next show as in "bull basta" to the author, continuing his litany autosudiste, graphoflingue (the labordien is tiring, I know if I'll keep the compass):

"André Breton walking the streets of St. Cirq Lapopie percussion Dimitri Szarzewski, in the rain a novel by Bernard Manciet ... "

because laborde assumes. everything. and especially the power of him who has the essence of azimuths. compass is correct. its south is a registered trademark. . and los toros, no, it's not copyrighted. beyond its meaning, its poetic, its pantheon.

what? you say? manciet and "per yiyo el" in homage to the bullfighter was born in Bordeaux and died in the Horn "burlero" colmenar to in 1985? but finally sir! Laborde then, in fact, can not read, never went to a bookstore, do not have a library. Finally, if, but after personal bonfire. laborde includes only the redaction. He dreams of our nights crystallize. that's all.

it all?

what? Vou insist? who? Lubat friendly serge pey and "Afilador" ... you mean, THE pey? that of "infinite Copla for bull-men's Sunday" ? yes fontenay MAME (the sister of one who has a hat instead of the brain. or vice versa, I'm lost). yes, yes. HIM itself. el pey.

bin gosh.

and then later, we see the bull torturequemada humiliated under her superb in a movement comparable to the chin up to Eric Cantona. yes, yes, yes ... you read correctly, cantona! the soccer players shooteux chimérico-digital trimballe beautiful pictures of bullfights no basta exhibitions in its cartons that are safely on the walls of the city hated by the anti-bullfighting didi.
the didi ?

yeah, didi, wire wang in "Blue Lotus". one who found the way and wants to shorten the bulb at any quidam it has not met her, using a saber Asian curvature ideal for cutting short the complexity of the world.
but we prefer the mountains didi Kalach.
is beautiful. listen to it in bursts:

"Défenestrons southern death and dézinguons bullfighting! We open fire, empty our Kalashnikovs, our guns stashed in our attic on the scum who goes to confession arenas!" is

... more radical and effective. bang! the aficionado drinker sap where the bubble cosmogonies manciet and pey! bang! in the cross, a thousand, for sure. without puntilla. dumdumisé by the fatwa of cricket.

but didi, the Chen-Yee, pure, true, acted under the domination of the "poison that drives you mad." laborde absorbed would he turn a substitute radjaïdjah famous?
christian, he looks for peaks in the veins, he did not "head (s), lard ricardisée (s)", he, the great troubadour of appointments will be more than with only two small calves and a derailleur, I have named: the turn de France.
ah! healthy men. so different from those bulls which is injected a lot of illegal drugs to transform into a beast to tame and silly spectacle. and then the caravan is well known for the large loop is ecologically QEH n'emmerde not bears and vultures, crosses the tip of its tires silence cervical marie-blanque and has never, O never , stew with aniseed beverage vendors that make sourdars those who dare to ride their fat bases arenas.

but he sees only the mass of rednecks who congregate along the roads of France to pick up three hats and conforama eat all bars as hostesses twixx rictusées throw with disdain from the top of their tanks advertising? no, it ignores them.

because laborde burp. first. forever.
belching and decrease its field of vision. loghorrée takes its space and relegates people and animals behind his ego and his false rebellion.
cons and cons his fellow animals.
us fans, we say these magnificent words: "LOS TOROS SON DEL PUEBLO". I do not even do him the kindness to translate it, what's terrorist octoplasmie, the subtlety of language because he hates the people. that of men and bulls.

nb: I ignored the endless comparisons between a plaza (as he writes this guignolo pizza) and the death camps or reminders hystéoriques (I'll do the lala way! ) to the henchmen of French bullfighters. like, pale face, look at this friend pelayo:

nb 2 : antis are remarkable is that they are genuine revisionists, like all fascist forgers in power. one wants to recover goya (I can not remember lequel.ah if Hardoin-Fugier is therefore one and not one) that mentioned here rounded up Leiris. hence my tribute to the man deletions by the portrait that Bacon, another patient who dared to paint the bloody bullfights, made.

nb 3: many other curses masculent About the author throughout the book. attentivemet I read the first 15 to 20 pages and flew the rest. to match, all in keeping. nice work ... the cutting of trees that were sheltering many birds, squirrels or other critters that due to the altruism of Christian Laborde and his publisher had démanager or agony.