Thursday, October 12, 2006

Slow Cooker Cake Birthday

Words of the Sixth Commission - continued

And the rebellion that now as before, shook the continent, is also ours. Ours, the same desire for freedom, ours the same desire for justice, the same claim to our democracy, ours the same will to fight and conquer our second independence as nations.

Some have criticized the fact that we sent in accordance with the Sixth Declaration of the Zapatista corn noble and worthy people of Cuba.
It is always difficult to express a feeling. And when this feeling is sympathy and solidarity with that struggle, we run the risk of caricature, of sentimentality, of the commonplace ...
Cuba was not, for the communities that were later Zapatistas, a foreign country. It was, is, people who expressed expresses the dignity and express it as only those from below, with courage and firmness, muttering between his teeth the "no one here goes" who faced and survived the English invasion and invasions that have succeeded on Indian lands in Mexico under various banners ...

few months ago, when our troops insurgent cultivated the fields for corn to the brotherly people and comrade, materializes in the dark look of our community work and purpose voted and approved the Sixth Declaration ...

solidarity between brothers of struggle is always a feast. And it was a feast of harvest, package and send to the Cuban people Zapatista corn.

By choosing Cuba, we have chosen not only to recognize and acknowledge their history and struggle.
We also chose a position: the enemy of the Cuban people is the same as the enemy of the peoples indigenous Zapatistas, Mexico, America.
And we chose this position as the fashion was, still is, to attack the Cuban revolution. While we where desperate to turn the eyes to avoid any commitment and consequence. And while you look elsewhere, which allows states and the ease of talking without action.

For us, Cuba is choosing choose to report pain and hope.
The pain inflicted by an illegal and illegitimate blockade, the attempts of sabotage and crimes, the insult of a foreign flag on a part of Cuban territory, a media campaign by standing half-truths and complete lies. The pain inflicted by the power strips and ladles out that the north geographic and social thinks and acts as if the world belonged to him.

And hope that gives an example of old already half a century. The example shows that it is possible and necessary that the people take charge of their destiny and decide on their path, their purpose, their own way.

But for the vast and wide pain of America, Cuba is a relief not a cure.
We will have to heal ourselves, heal our wounds, we raise as a nation and as a nation to conquer our second independence, our freedom, our democracy, our justice.
In corn that we send to the Cuban people, it is also our message: "I am That" and "I'm here," Indian peoples Zapatistas.
We are Indians, we Zapatistas, we are Mexican, we are Latin American. And as such, we see your pain and who are responsible. And one of them, the largest and most powerful niche in the history of the cities north of the Rio Bravo. If ignorance is an error, the silence is cowardice.

We, the EZLN can not look at the world and act as if Cuba did not exist, as if there was no blockade, as if there were no U.S. base at Guantanamo, as if there was no calumny and lies under the disguise of low concern pseudo-democratic, as if we did not intend to humiliate a country, as if a whole people do not resisted, as if it was not a banner dignity, as if we could not learn from its successes and its mistakes, as if there had been no and there was not an example, as if there were no our feeling, indescribable in English, our Zapatistas are united in this nation that defeated the most powerful empire in the history of mankind.

course. May be fashionable to so-called leftist governments in Latin America, seminars intellectuals concerned about democracy in bands and stars, the distancing of fugitive passengers of all movements of liberation. But

modes bore us, we the Zapatistas.
And we now say it is a pity that we can send that corn and gasoline, and not something that better represents all the respect and admiration we have for the Cuban people.

Liberty and Justice for the prisoners of Atenco! The Other
Nayarit, Mexico.
behalf of men, women, children and elderly, indigenous Mexicans in their majority, the EZLN.

October 8, 2006



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