Thursday, July 16, 2009

What Happened Tofakku

employment of commissioners taurolandia

be in Barcelona ... he was writing.
the JT's day? Yes, certainly.
but beyond delirium, statements to the punch of salvador boix , the sudden craze for Catalanity politically correct if incorrectly, there is the daily.
an observer, and end with a certain decline, has returned to the city condal and what he writes ...

Commissioners looking for a job

I spent several days in Barcelona after a few months away. I find the city covered by a thin film of red mud. The last time it rained a few weeks ago, brought the African desert dust subtle set among the clouds. Nobody even those not cleaned whose cars are coated with mud and covered it with graffiti like "what pig." Ghostly appearance of a neglected city.

The heat is already summer and the trees shed their leaves. There is a carpet of dead leaves, as if it was a fall. The second echo Africa: the noise, chaos circulatory cohorts at the mall, the jumble of barely dressed tourists, immigrants selling cans of beer on the Ramblas, the trileros , petty thieves, the Romanian Gypsies responsible for children stunned amazement. there as a reminder of the sixties Naples, a city that, according Graham Greene, was the first city of the East.

Unfortunately, nothing exists in Barcelona which does not maintain, even cracked, the past August the Kingdom of Naples, its palaces, churches, museums, bourgeois society, one of the most literate of Italy, its people affable fellow and smarter than hunger. It is a city clerical and inglorious.

Friends are sorry for the Catalan nationalist government hacks. Since the days of Franco, they have fun commenting on the folly of ministers most crackpots. The latest blunder, that of responsible tourism, a Huguet, was to propose a law that prohibits tourist shops selling flamenco dolls or bullfighters because "that they are not a Catalan tradition." He also wants to prohibit the sale of Mexican hats, which have a predilection for the English and Americans. I hope it was a temporary project. This is not the case for prohibition of bullfights. Policies hide behind animal rights groups to remove what they see as "signs of English identity.

It is surprising that these critics do not realize what they show in every ban faces not only their oppressors, but the meager intelligence they received by inheritance.

Prohibition of part of Handke at the Odeon in Paris, a whim of the director of the Comédie-French, Marcel Bozonnet, may seem more serious, but it's as miserable as that of his imitator Catalan. Freedom of expression is not unidirectional and sympathy towards unwelcome Handke Milosevic is no worse than for Castro García Márquez. As stated

Kusturica, Jelinek, Modiano, and the signatories of the letter of protest against the censor, the playwrights will now ask permission to Bozonnet whenever they want to go a funeral. Imagine
Bozonnet, if steeped in pride officer in the Reich comedy film, obliterating permits petitions and deciding which deaths are correct and which ones are bad.

[Posted on 05/09/2006 by Felix de Azua on his blog ]

who do we want to believe that JT can save the fiesta in Catalonia when we see how degree of imbecility was arrived? Azua and performs a true parallel with the zeitgeist.
to right, especially, but also left , long time ago that said no more "good night" but the censors "welcome, how are you?". the business multiply and propaganda organs too. and we bullfighting aficionados alike, we offusquons approximations of a scribbler party press and provincial money.
well, but why our beloved observatory does not join the protests of professionals concerned by the recent appointment of the new program director of France-Inter?
for fear of being recovered or being accused of opportunism, misplaced, inappropriate mixing of genres?
it is say to practice what our opponents seek to stealthily deploy overnight?
it is better to howl with Sine, anti-bullfighting primary in nature but suspicion about collusion with the business of reducing the freedom of expression that now prance at the head of all powers, than trying to sing val with the melody arrangements with words of non-interference.
address lackey is neither very bright nor very brave. I expect a boom
nominem ad came from our ranks recently even qualified for a speedy defense, so the attack, our archers media.
or so issues are those that they would not make us believe ?

we are just poor thinkers of a more troubled Iberia in these foundations that only assaults by los toros.
our eye level is expected to move beyond the tambourine, this caspa, we are often rightly criticized. I, personally, the text of Azua I receive a call for help in the twilight of our festive delights and excessive sound the horn that announces tomorrow, here, there and everywhere that even sing "La Chica Yeye ".

ps: maybe that the observatory was sent to val. if fact, that act and I apologize in advance for the trial of childish malice. but, sorry, not much has been heard the horn ...

bis ps: thank you to the blog "malaka" for the link with the article by Felix de Azua.

b ps: for merced a mano a mano tomas / Morante emerges. well. but except for the finances of some (pa'riba) and others (pa'bajo), what are the (dis) interest of the thing if all is already a foregone conclusion ... ?


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