Jose Tomas levanto y ando "We sold him as a superman. The doubt existed over the past few days. The miracle that nobody thought possible just after the wound had accompli.Il would be there. It would Almost immediately after Barcelona, its real return. And Madeleine was gaining importance. abonnnements And growing. And the black market to prepare for lucrative business for the bullfight-event. And Sara Marie yesterday which gave us every reason to believe the unbelievable, that we announce today with a disarmingly natural finally, no, it would not Plumaçon, or anywhere else this season. Do not désepérons new customers who might feel to have been somewhat abused. They are considering the example of the latter's Birthday bullfight at Las Ventas. Who would have thought it out to see Juan Bautista in triumph ..? " I hoisted over the internet from our compadre this post from his blog Lafontan JM " Basta Ya ". well said Jean-Mi.
just a comment:
eso se llama estafa has great lo! which, los Taurinos, could they smoke? los Guire, el mozofeliz, all those who go to los toros como gogos y / o bobos?
they sold everything we have, since the 8 liters of blood and 20 minutes aboard the big trip up to the reappearance tipo lazaro levanto y ando. Omniscient focus all our hats: doctor, psychiatrist, CEOs, journalists , soothsayer and incidentally aficionado. These functions are similar to those of topics related to the mafia, or rather than after the high finance to the heiress of the Calabrian (fô not grow in the abuela Zarzal them anyway). it looks like the clouds of experts currently at the head of the crisis mondilale sold by the big TV. and yet, in this case, as it is on other scales, dissenting voices are able to be heard (Fred Lordon, Chomsky for example, recently). here in our small, little (holy polysemy, I am your devotee) world, has not missed a finger on the seam of taleguillas official taurinismo andante.
pobre Don Jose Tomas. deseamos you, we wish you, sencillamente, simply the best and strongest recoveries. so that you can fully recover, asi podras that recuparte totalmente to live out a normal life surrounded by your friends and your family, hasta el final para vivir una existencia normal rodeada Tus amigos y tu familia. Un abrazo y punto.
nb: for those who do not know which chiste title of the above is a snap, here it is: El cura
: Y dijo jesus "Lázaro y anda Levantate. Levanto y entonces Lázaro is ando! -.
Father Lazarus, arise and walk! Lazarus then got up and running. A oyente: -ANDUVO pendejo! -.
a listener: he walked moron! El cura:-Bueno if anduvo pendejo a rato, pero luego camino is well-
The cure: there is no doubt, at first he walked like an idiot but then he walks normally .