Thursday, November 25, 2010

Black Stools And Brewers Yeast

Special Guignol: Transfer prints

Yesterday morning I went with my partner at Studio Ludo at St. George's Baillargeaux, to see the record of my designs on the tarpaulin to 550g per square meter.
I want to say one day that begins at Studio Ludo is a day that begins well, they are available, despite the mass of their job, they took the time to unroll the tarps that the take a picture, really a great welcome. In addition
as the printed word is really exciting, it takes on another dimension out of the screen is always a magical moment.
Here is a series of photos of the decorations.



few details, there is grain and matter, I am happy with the result because I did the inking and wash in A3, a result of 1.50 m. As is scanned at 1200 dpi in NB, the final printed document is of course not pixelated at 150 DPI, for cons is like zooming in on a little drawing, normal.
is intended to be viewed from afar.

Suite and end with photos of the assembled result, the current show, and then the second poster for the Christmas season.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Teach Yourself To Suck Your Own Dick

Special Guignol: small making of! The 9th Meeting of

the approach of Christmas, my friend Bruno and his girlfriend Sylvie company "The Wonders of Showmen" asked me to improve their performances Guignol in making new designs.
A year ago they only travel the road to entertain the little ones, and at first the sets were painted on plywood by friends in a homely, to troubleshoot. He had to go into settings that resemble the graphic illustrated posters, and so it is great because I'm the poster from the beginning.
The proof, which has just been completed for the upcoming show, "Santa has disappeared."
The image shows the successive stages of completion: first quick sketch, sketch advanced inking, defining areas of solid color, wash on paper work, assembly of the ink, and color wash on the same project digital displays and finally finish.

Well, then here is how did the job over the past 3 weeks (it just ended for my part).

Here puppet and the caravan in which the shows take place.
should decorate them with a background which will be printed on canvas, and successive foreground, which will also be drawn on the sheet, but laminated on a rigid support.
The decorations must be able to operate in one as in the other, but for issues of viewing angle, the background scenery is available in two versions, showing more or less things.

I also made decorative elements printed on adhesive so that the caravan is not even blue or red.

The first basic sketches. They are very hardy but give not only sets the tone for future definitive, they are also good for testing proportions, as you can see below.

Sylive and Bruno live in the Herault, I live in Vienna, he had to find a way to verify that there would be no major assembly problems and visibility. I first thought about doing 3D in Google SketchUp, but I had to learn the software, and Sylvie, Bruno, handle it well. But time was very short. It was decided to make cardboard models to scale 1 / 10 th.
It was very helpful to really know what was important to emphasize, that gave the coast almost final.

Following this, a first sketch was made possible refined. You can all see below, but initially I did that one.

Bruno is worried a good overview of the work before the final work, I proposed to send mail all the elements of decor in their final, cut into pieces printable on A4 sheets. A few hours cutting, gluing the tape later, they were able to test in the caravan and the castle. This has redefined the coast, which became a standart for all the rods.

The sketches are completed, I was able to get into the created the final. Meanwhile Bruno and Sylvie have quotes, I have prepared this file to ask for rates. Ultimately, it Ludo Studio, photo studio and print all supported 50 miles from my house to be retained. Good thing I love going home and I could take pictures of scenery printed before they are shipped.
Contrary to what is written, it will not be on the digital cutting PVC, but on the canvas cut with scissors, and glued, for budget reasons.

inking drawings. These are not executed in final format, because I scan at 1200 DPI in black and white so I can have all the necessary finesse. In addition, the decorations are made to be seen from afar, he's not licked it is in the detail seen up close, it's more the domain of the box of comics printed and enlarged. Some tools, Pentel brush pens, white ink Rotring for blending, and a host of indelible markers of all sizes, for varying line thicknesses.

; The inking finished, scanned and the final format at 150 dpi I did all the tedious steps first, to have the fun part for last. Thus defining areas of solid colors, to select parts of the image separately, and treat them separately.

As is my custom, I went to wash over a printed version of the ink with touches of white gouache material. The wash over the back are moistened and pressed between sheets of white typing paper, under a hundredweight of good books.

Decorations finalized version meeting to give an overview:

And version exploded to show the detail of each element .
I forgot to say that backdrop comes back 2 times, for reasons of cost: The same background is used to house the mother and the bogeyman, and for a hostel with red curtains.

Finally, the file sent to the printer. The kinds of bugs are in fact the graphic bleed needed to make a hem behind each item. This is a single pixel stretched over 6 cm and is of course invisible to the end.

I'll post a sequel to this article when the sets will be printed and installed.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Paintball Silencer Legality


Here is the schedule of the first edition of the festival organized by the Art Association 9th Vienna, to be held next September 25.

must of course come in large numbers.
I'd be as a volunteer to help set up, and I intend to enjoy the event to get rich the brain of beautiful images and stories, all in a friendly.

Here are the authors present:
Laurent Audouin
Olivier Besseron
William Bouzard
Nicolas Dumontheuil
Frederick Felder
Thomas Gosselin
Simon Hureau
Olivier Josso
Laure Delpino
Philippe Larbier
Laureline Mattiussi
Marie Monti
David Prudhomme
Emmanuel Reuzé (author of the design of the poster, model alias Indi Philippe Ory)
Patrick Sobral
Olivier Supiot

Friday, June 11, 2010

What Happned To Fakku

The book fair is displayed! The little

highly topical discussions on this blog carefully.

Better late than never, the Book Fair Montmorillon, 2010 edition of which I made the poster, will be held tomorrow and Sunday, the posters were so packed for several weeks all entrances to the city and at- beyond.
me great pleasure to see my work on the cover of Weekly Show (which as its name suggests to put us on the wrong track, is a monthly magazine), magazine and entertainment outlets in the city of Poitiers, edition of June.
All this in pictures:

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Funny Bon Voyage Poems

Jose Tomas levanto y ando

"We sold him as a superman. The doubt existed over the past few days. The miracle that nobody thought possible just after the wound had accompli.Il would be there. It would Almost immediately after Barcelona, its real return. And Madeleine was gaining importance. abonnnements And growing. And the black market to prepare for lucrative business for the bullfight-event.

And Sara Marie yesterday which gave us every reason to believe the unbelievable, that we announce today with a disarmingly natural finally, no, it would not Plumaçon, or anywhere else this season.

Do not désepérons new customers who might feel to have been somewhat abused. They are considering the example of the latter's Birthday bullfight at Las Ventas. Who would have thought it out to see Juan Bautista in triumph ..? "

I hoisted over the internet from our compadre this post from his blog Lafontan JM " Basta Ya ".
well said Jean-Mi.
just a comment:
eso se llama estafa has great lo! which, los Taurinos, could they smoke? los Guire, el mozofeliz, all those who go to los toros como gogos y / o bobos?
they sold everything we have, since the 8 liters of blood and 20 minutes aboard the big trip up to the reappearance tipo lazaro levanto y ando. Omniscient focus all our hats: doctor, psychiatrist, CEOs, journalists , soothsayer and incidentally aficionado. These functions are similar to those of topics related to the mafia, or rather than after the high finance to the heiress of the Calabrian (fô not grow in the abuela Zarzal them anyway). it looks like the clouds of experts currently at the head of the crisis mondilale sold by the big TV. and yet, in this case, as it is on other scales, dissenting voices are able to be heard (Fred Lordon, Chomsky for example, recently). here in our small, little (holy polysemy, I am your devotee) world, has not missed a finger on the seam of taleguillas official taurinismo andante.
pobre Don Jose Tomas. deseamos you, we wish you, sencillamente, simply the best and strongest recoveries. so that you can fully recover, asi podras that recuparte totalmente to live out a normal life surrounded by your friends and your family, hasta el final para vivir una existencia normal rodeada Tus amigos y tu familia. Un abrazo y punto.

nb: for those who do not know which chiste title of the above is a snap, here it is: El cura

: Y dijo jesus "Lázaro y anda Levantate. Levanto y entonces Lázaro is ando! -.
Father Lazarus, arise and walk! Lazarus then got up and running. A
oyente: -ANDUVO pendejo! -.
a listener: he walked moron!
El cura:-Bueno if anduvo pendejo a rato, pero luego camino is well-
The cure: there is no doubt, at first he walked like an idiot but then he walks normally .

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Peliculas On Lilne De Monica Rocaforte

The beautiful Abel and Cain caha nothing that Maravi

One might say that dream, but we're a cantankerous asshole to constantly chase the dahut viardesque in his journalistic excess and ego-ists.

One may say that man has talent, power superhuman work, a convict and production instead of quality, its trajectory could have been rather estimable at all points of view.

And whatever weaknesses they may have against him, it ends like a mantra to get back to what the old lady who wrote to him "my little", which was ultimately to both maternal and criticism.

After all, writing that "El Pais" is anti-bullfighting, while, who knows why the ABC would be highly Luca de Tena bull just because he is anti catalanist for all other ideological reasons, and constantly cite "Mundutoro" by Jean Pierre to this Himalayan revisionism after the Dalai Laminate, metaphor Cain and Abel.

For here we culminons!

not Humbug! Excuse me, because in fact it is a pinnacle of Francoist rhetoric. Bullshit? Oh no, I would not do this affront to our "academic Universal bullfighting.

So? Calculation? No, "Tierras taurine" will trace his journey by his own qualities, and has no need, after the French taxpayer support for its launch at the Embassy of France who should pay with my money, or our sub, although other less desirable things, make friends with the friend Mundotoro circuit, and the PP voters to consolidate readership. Overproduction

literature? Not because this "academic universal" in its presentation of "Tierras taurine" Assen in English unhappy Levi Straus and Homer, appetizers, but it can also explain that the other university Wolff is cute After the presentation of his "fifty reasons ...... "Can not be el Dede, but it's Dede el Soustons the helm of the" good "pensance" French. " Merde alors!

So maybe fatigue, or swelling ego.

Because, shit, think a little, Communities, and finally some are willing to say "Well of Cultural Interest" about bullfighting. It seems that this is a huge victory! I know moults other goods of cultural interest, wading in the Landes, and I have nothing against them, baby eel fishing or the sack race at Club Med.
Well, we have a little far from a "World Heritage" is not it?

But that definitely sticks in my craw is the "Cain and Abel" while noting that I am completely agnostic or atheist.

It is clear that in times of crisis, and God knows it is particularly severe in Spain, old demons resurface. Le Pen, the box spring here, the Phalangists aznariens Spain.

Aznar, the thinker of the PP have said that he had books Pio Moa's bedside books, we understand a little why.

course everyone, especially the PP, and our exalted behind Dede, denies there was any ulterior motive electioneering in the position of the PP, defender of "true" values of Spain, with the CBA. This

that should not escape our "academic universal" is that portion of eternal refrain Franco cropping up a partition between good and evil.

He must know better than me in September 1936, a status of "university universal" I'm not forced, came the famous though somewhat hidden homily of Two Cities ", the 'English episcopate, which among other things made this fabulous gift to qualify the Franco uprising, which was that of Mola, a "crusade" as it is the Moroccan troops who were the "limpieza" in southern Spain, and only if opposed the "cities" good "and cities" evil " , those of Cain and Abel.

And make things even clearer, we split in mid-1937, a collective letter of the English episcopate, at the request of Franco, in order to mitigate global opinion of some untoward effects Durango, Guernica Badajoz and even reactivate lobbies French Catholics, and especially American English.

Therefore, references Bible, in the wake of the PP, at least in Spain, have nothing apolitical, much less innocent, and this "El pais" supposedly affiliated with masonry, Marxism, even worse the PSOE, n ' nothing really presentable.

We can see who is Abel Soustons Dede, and Cain can be Joaquin Vidal. But hey, all things considered, I know where is my choice.

The Franco has always been in denial, even rougher. Today, as it falsely "light" of the PP, it feeds the "historical revisionism" English, which assumes that it is frente popular mistakes that have "forced" to Franco revolt. Deliberately forgetting the context of both sociological, cultural, economic Spain, that all was well in the brave new world without the advent of the Second Republic. Even

Mauriac, who had no atom hooked to the English left took a position absolutely unambiguous on the subject.

So is it our bullfighting, all goes perfectly, we are all brothers in the stands, those who pay and those who do not pay, but let those who do not pay the right to decide how much and evil, because them, like the English episcopate of 36, know.

Reflecting, I feel obliged, without drawing the slightest conclusions, and paid in advance, note the following coincidences: Simon Casas Valencia obtained, then "Tierras taurine" to live in Spain, then Dede quote almost daily Mundotoro Then, after he said "El Pais" Antitaurina, we sell the CBA and the PP.

Marketing, or what I do not believe for a moment, the troops are deployed to conquer Las Ventas?

El Chulo

nb: thank you to Chagall, Rembrandt, Doré, Frédéric Deprun, Bandinelli and Claudio Alvarez (in order).

num2: "Maravi" of Maraver .

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Barefoot Confidential Lily Thai

Walks Country Montmorillonnais third party

This concludes on the job p'tites walks.
I go back to the moment of seeing off proofs to the printer from the client, and it'll be fun.
I asked to keep after printing is complete, it's nice that type of color proof to show people who you bump.
Here are some of final documents, which were laid out by my wife Priscilla.

The front: as it is folded in half, the two parties disagree and so I put in both directions

The back:

Poster 40x60

That'll be quickly printed and distributed in the Montmorillonnais country from 1 April.